Special offer: Ki-urushi Japanese lacquer combo includes our popular ki-urushi for all regular uses, and our exclusive Japan-grown Daigo ki urushi for that special final coat over gold powder. Perfect for those who are ready to experiment using different urushi, or desire to take your gloss gold effect up a notch.
Combo includes:
1x 20g regular ki-urushi (gokujo-nama) China-grown, Japan-refined
1x 10g premium Daigo sakarihen ki urushi (kijomi) Japan-grown, Japan-refined
Handcrafted Japan-grown premium ki urushi harvestd by hand during prime 3-weeks in the summer annually. This is called Sakarihen urushi, a kind of kijomi urushi. Japan's lacquer artisans use this urushi only on special kintsugi or lacquerware (e.g. antique restoration, high-end lacquerware). Working on a particularly precious or meaningful project? This would be the ki-urushi to reach for.
What makes Sakari-urushi so premium?
The species of urushi tree grown in Japan has the highest content of urushiol as compare to neighboring countries. High urushiol content means higher transparency and durability of Japanese lacquer.
The most prized-quality urushi (collected between July and August) is called Sakari Urushi.
Sakari-urushi has the best level of transparency and glossiness compare to lower-tier urushi lacquer. This is the very rare and precious "from farm-to-table" Japanese lacquer. Read more about the artisans
who cultivate and collect this urushi.
Because of the rarity and cost, lacquer artisans sparingly use sakari-urushi on high-end pieces and on final coatings.
For kintsugi artisans, this level of urushi lacquer are used on final coat and finishing touches over lacquered surface, or gold-powdered surface. It has great transpency, better polishability that allows the gold or silver underneath to shine, and it yields great glossiness.
For lacquering projects such as fuki urushi, use this on the final layer of rubbing to get best durabiilty and highest sheen without darkening the overall surface.
Currently, Japan-grown urushi lacquer supplies only 2-3% of the industry needs, mainly due to the small forests and the limited qualified urushi-tree foresters and harvesters. The pride of Japan lies not only in it's exquisite lacquer art, but also in producing premium quality raw material (urushi lacquer) for the art.
Premium ki-urushi have higher active urushiol content than regular ki-urushi, hence more prone to cause skin allergy and tends to ferment faster.
Liquid urushi can cause severe skin allergic reaction
AVOID SKIN CONTACT. Symptoms include painful rash and blisters.
Wipe skin with rapeseed / vegetable oil immediate when urushi comes in contact with skin. In rare cases, urushi fume may trigger allergic reaction. Use in well-ventilated area.
Wear gloves and sleeves when handling wet urushi. Clean worksurface with alcohol and discard contaminated wipes.
Keep away from small children. If ingested, seek medical help immediately.
Store in cool, dark places.
Ki urushi COMBO (gokujo & kijomi urushi) Japanese lacquer
10g Premium Daigo sakarihen urushi
20g Goenne regular ki-urushi